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The Walking Dead: Episode 314 - "Prey"

Welcome back for another episode of Dead Already, The Liberal Dead's Unofficial Walking Dead podcast!

This week on the show, Jeff (@Jeff_FOTD) is joined by his co-hosts Shawn (@TheLiberalDead - the head honcho over at The Liberal Dead) and James (@DrJimmyTerror - The fiend behind Dr Terror's Blog of Horrors)to discuss Season 3, Episode 14 of The Walking Dead: "Prey."

Is The Governor Snake Plisskin's stunt double? Does Andrea feel stale now that she's in the hot seat? What the hell was on that table? Has Glen Mazzara watched too many 80s slasher flicks? Is Milton a reincarnation of John Ritter? More importantly, why the hell are the guys so obsessed with speculums?!

Tune in for the answers... along with a full recap of the episode, commentary on its themes, speculation on what is in store, and much more!

If streaming isn't your thing, you may Download the MP3 Directly here or Subscribe Via iTunes. Also, iTunes listeners: Please take a moment to leave us a rating/review, and we will share it on an upcoming podcast!

Need to catch up? To purchase the most recent episodes of The Walking Dead, head on over to Amazon Instant Video.

And, as always, if you want to drop us a line to let us know what you think of this episode of The Walking Dead, or you just want to give us feedback on the podcast in general. please send an email to podcast (at) liberaldead (dot) com.

Warning! This podcast contains major spoilers for this episode... Watch before you listen!

Direct download: DeadAlready-314-Prey.mp3
Category:Dead Already: An Unofficial Walking Dead Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT